Okay, so my titles are getting a little long...I may need to rethink those.
My morning started off with the Ionix Supreme, an IsaLean Shake and a natural accelerator. Followed by 500 mL of water. At work I had 500 mL of Energenix, an herbal tea (blueberry pomegranate) and I had two Isagenix Snacks. I've included a picture because it's a little weird eating what looks like large chewable vitamins as a snack.
As far as the taste of everything...I can't say it tastes great, but it's not awful. It's definitely doable and who knows after a month I may enjoy the taste. I've definitely had similar products from other companies that were horrendous.
It's currently 11:30 and I'm feeling peckish. Hoping to hold off till 12:00-12:30. What is really challenging is that someone brought me a homemade muffin and I found Oreos in my desk I should have eaten yesterday so I've had to get drastic and put everything in a box and tape it shut. And I thought the coffee would be my biggest worry. I'll post about the rest of my day later.

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