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Tuesday, July 22, 2014


So, for the first time in a couple of years I am on vacation and actually get to travel! The GEMS Leadership Training Conference is this week in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We're leaving around 8:30 this morning. I really should be in bed now, but I've been busy packing, doing laundry, and just finding a place for everything before I go. I don't get back until Sunday sometime and I know I won't have a lot of time to prepare before going back to work Monday. I guess it's just my way of preparing for that inevitability and to clear some of my mind clutter too.

I have big hopes for this time away. It's a time away from my job, away from my house and away from my family. It should give me plenty of room for some much needed soul searching. I want, no. I need to find my calling. I need to find God's purpose for my life. I don't expect to have all the answers, I just want to feel like I'm on the right path and working towards the right goals. I'm tired of floundering through life. I know I have a great life in terms of an amazing husband, and three healthy, beautiful, unique children. There was a time I thought that was all I'd ever need, but I'm now finding there's still something missing. Some part of me that can't find peace until I am fulfilling a purpose greater than I am now.

Okay, well this post took a sorry turn for the dark and depressing! Sorry about that. I am actually quite excited about my trip and just wanted to take a few minutes to share where my head is at. If there's WiFi I may try and sneak in a blog post while I'm away. If not I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories to share when I return.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Progress with Primal Strength Systems

As you know I've been doing a fitness class called Primal Strength Systems. I'm in my fourth week now and loving (and sometimes hating) every minute of it. I decided to do a video post since it's been a while.

I've made a lot of progress over the last month and I've proved to myself that I am capable of so much more! I've had some personal bests that have really encouraged me in my journey. Tonight I was able to hold up my own body weight on that damn gym rope. It was only for a short time and only a couple of inches off the ground, but I DID IT!

I'm actually holding up my own weight!
Well, I'm off. I just had to share my excitement and progress with you tonight while it's still fresh and while I can still type without muscle pain!

And in case you missed it and you're wondering what kind of equipment we've been using here's a demo video.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Everything is Awesome....

Today, just for a moment everything is awesome! I am awesome! This morning was my sixth class with Primal Strength Systems and today I kicked ass!

It's getting easier to lift the 75 lbs bag. (I said easier not easy.) I also surprised myself with my improved ability to pull myself up from the ground using the thick rope. (You know the dreaded rope you had to climb in gym class as a kid) We did this one the first class and I could barely lift myself off the ground. Now I can go hand over hand and pull my body up and back down again (my feet stay on the ground). One of these days I'll get someone to take a video or a pic of it to show you.

It's amazing what I've accomplished in three short weeks. I feel like everyone should be able to tell just by looking at me, but there's no obvious physical changes. (I checked. I took pictures to compare. It's only minute changes that I can see.) That will come in time, I just have to be patient and persistent. I am quite proud of myself for what I have accomplished. I continue to amaze myself. Seeing the things that my body is capable of just makes me want to do more and more amazing things!

It's funny on my way home I had so much to say and now I'm drawing a blank. So, I guess I'll keep it short and sweet today!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, July 11, 2014

An Ode to a Mug

Oh travel mug how I loved thee!
And then you went and died on me.

You've been there for me through many cups of coffee to many more cups of tea. You didn't judge me when I changed your contents. You gladly kept everything hot, sometimes too hot! And then I discovered that you kept my cold water, really cold, and I knew it was love! How will I ever manage to live without you?

Today is a sad day indeed. I will miss you Travelly my mug. I took you wherever I went. I'm so sorry about that dent. You've always been a good friend.

Farewell dear one! It's time to buy a new one!